About DWSN
The Drainage and Water Searches Network (DWSN) is an industry body for those who are responsible for producing full and complete responses to the CON29DW Residential and CON29DW Commercial searches. It promotes good practice in this specialist area and provides a forum for stakeholders to engage with the sector.
If you see the DWSN mark you can be assured that those products have the highest quality content and are supported by industry leading service standards.
Current members

Northumbrian Water Property Solutions

Severn Trent Searches

Southern Water LandSearch

Thames Water Property Searches

United Utilities Property Searches
Who we are – DWSN Board members

Owen Davies
Chair & Director
Searches Business Development Manager
Severn Trent Searches
As Chair of DWSN, Owen leads the DWSN Board on the strategic direction for DWSN and also leads on stakeholder engagement.

Victoria Farrell
Service Delivery Manager
Vicky focuses on leading the continuing development and improvement of the CON29DW products.

Karen McCormack
Property Searches Manager
United Utilities Property Searches
Karen leads on all aspects of DWSN’s marketing and communication activity including DWSN’s CPD programmes.

Sue Stevens
Treasurer & Director
Sales, Marketing & Customer Experience Manager
Thames Water Property Searches
As Director and Treasurer, Sue leads on all aspects of governance and finance for DWSN.
What we do
We are a membership organisation set up in April 2014 for companies or group companies who are responsible for preparing responses to the CON29DW Residential or the CON29DW Commercial searches that DWSN has developed in collaboration with the Law Society. DWSN is structured as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee.
DWSN sets out clear Standards that ensure DWSN members maintain high standards of product quality, consumer protection and customer service in the supply of responses to both CON29DW reports.
We promote the benefits of both the CON29DW Residential and Commercial searches. Both searches are created using complex and current data which is then analysed by knowledgeable teams during the preparation process.
DWSN works with stakeholders to ensure robust standardised products that are developed specifically for either the commercial or residential markets.
DWSN provides technical support to members and other industry bodies, such as the Law Society and Water UK, regarding issues in this specialist area.
DWSN’s YouTube channel provides access to online content to help develop a better understanding of the CON29DW searches and the areas that they cover, providing ongoing CPD support for conveyancing professionals.
DWSN standards
These set the framework for the professional standards expected of DWSN members. The standards cover the following areas:
- DWSN Code of Practice
- Minimum levels of professional indemnity cover
- Appropriate use of product logos, DWSN logo and DWSN Mark
- Complaints handling process
- Legislation, regulations and industry standards
- Professional conduct
The CON29DW explained
Check out our bitesize videos to find out more about the questions covered in a CON29DW. These videos will help homebuyers to understand more about the CON29DW Residential and also help conveyancers and their support teams with continuing professional development (CPD).