Get in touch if you have a query about CON29DW products or DWSN
If you need to locate a CON29DW supplier – use the Find A Supplier postcode look-up, if you know which of our members you need to contact, use the direct links below.
Find a supplier
Know who you’re looking for already? Contact our members directly
Customer redress
If you have an issue or concern about a CON29DW provided by a DWSN member, or concerns about the service you have received from a DWSN member, please follow this process:
- tell your CON29DW provider of your concerns and then follow and complete the complaints procedure in the CON29DWs Terms & Conditions
- if you are not happy with the final outcome of the complaints procedure, you can then take your concerns to The Property Ombudsman (TPO) who provide independent third-party adjudication on complaints.