What is a CON29DW Residential?
The CON29DW Residential search provides crucial information for property purchasers, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding their property purchase. This search addresses issues that have the potential to affect both the value and title of the property. It is developed from complex and comprehensive data which is analysed by knowledgeable teams during its preparation.
The CON29DW Residential identifies areas of potential risk for homebuyers. It enables them to make informed decisions about their purchase by providing them with critical information on key areas, for example:
- whether the property is connected to sewerage and water services
- if further development is feasible without impacting on water and sewerage assets
- history of internal sewer flooding
- low water pressure
- nearest public sewage treatment works
- a copy of the public sewer and water records.
Each CON29DW Residential provides essential information on the property’s drainage and water assets, with each producer providing specified liability cover. The 25 questions address:
- services for which the property is connected
- charging basis for services
- contact details for sewerage and water billing company
- meter location (if applicable)
- adoption agreements
- building over consents
- sewers within the boundary and within 100 feet
- low water pressure
- internal flooding from overloaded public sewers
- nearest public sewage treatment works
- a copy of the public sewer and water records.
The CON29DW Residential enquiry consists of 25 standard questions, so wherever in England it is purchased, it addresses the same important property information areas with all questions answered in full.
Knowledgeable teams prepare responses to the CON29DW Residential Search, making technical and often complex information accessible and understandable. Support is available to customers to enhance their understanding of any of the issues raised.
To ensure that the CON29DW Residential remains fit for purpose and adds value for customers, DWSN members work closely with key stakeholders, such as the Law Society and lenders, to review both its content and its presentation.
If you should ever have cause to complain about a DWSN member’s handling or result of a complaint, TPO provide a free, fair and impartial redress scheme for customers of DWSN members.
View a sample CON29DW Residential
Here’s an example of a typical CON29DW Residential. Regardless of who you purchase your CON29DW from, each CON29DW will have the same 25 questions presented in the same order with the same levels of consumer protection.
CON29DW Residential searches have independent customer redress provided by TPO.
The CON29DW explained
Check out our bitesize videos to find out more about the questions covered in a CON29DW. These videos will also help conveyancers and their support teams with continuing professional development (CPD).